November 07, 2006

Doctor Shopping

Vimo is rather cool. You get to look for a doctor...or rate your own. If you rate your own doctor, you can get 5 free music downloads from Why is this cool? Because you move to a new town or you have a new health condition and you don't necessarily know where to turn to find a new doctor. Even if you aren't in a new town, you may not want to go to your mother's or your aunt's or your boss's doctor, no matter how good that doctor might be. Your health plan might not even COVER the doctor everyone says you should see. But, researching doctors on the internet is difficult. Vimo gathers up all that info...from the certifications, to the disciplinary actions, malpractice information as well as what insurance that doctor takes. Then add the power of reviews from real people like you: very, very cool. Much better than opening the yellow pages and cross matching the names and ads against what your insurance company sends on their list. So, help someone out, rate your doctors and next time you need a doctor (or dentist for that matter) check them out.

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