August 04, 2006

IKEA and Crotch Holes

Not that kind. Hush.

I have a problem. My jeans, 3 pair this year, have died. All have died with a mysterious ailment: crotch holes. Yes, holes in the crotch of my jeans. Why is this happening? Does anyone else have this happen?

Could it be the fault of my wicked cool IKEA Traktor chair? (mine is green) Yes, that is the chair I sit in at work, amazingly comfortable, by the way.


sassymonkey said...

I think it would bother me not to have something to lean back against. And I could see that being a possible cause of crotch holes. Especially if they've only appeared/significantly increased since you got Traktor.

TW said...

They only have appeared since then but I only actually can wear jeans to work once a week.

nelle said...

Kewl chair, and like the name. You are indeed uncategorizable!

It looks comfortable, but given how spacey I am, would probably find the floor in an unintended manner on occasion...

Emsxiety said...

It's a funky chair, too funky!